The fence was made with leftover cuttings from the basement shelf project and held together with 2x4. It turned out to be much sturdier (and heavier) than I needed.

The box frame was made from a couple larger boards. I added 2x4 supports for the fence and gate. We stained everything with deck stain so it would last longer outdoors.

Meanwhile, we'd planting seeds indoors. The weather here is unsuitable for planting before Mother's Day, so seedlings need to start indoors and transplant later.

After clearing out a section of grass in the back yard, we placed the garden box and laid down weed barrier before adding fill dirt and compost.

After transplanting the seedlings, I added on a mesh to keep out rabbits and we're done. Luckily, deer have on interest in jumping the fence to the back yard, but rabbits will make quick work out of any garden they can access.